PLC Based Ratio Controller and Material Distribution System
V. M. Badwaik; Prof. V. M. Umale
Automation in an industry using programmable
logic controller (PLC) can be enumerated by optimizing the use
of process control equipment, decreases the response time for
process and equipment contingencies, provides information
about process status, manages process logic at the plant floor
level and increases overall productivity and plant efficiency.
The primary reason for designing such a system is to eliminate
large cost involved in replacing complicated relay based
machine control system {&} to reduce process time. Ratio control
system is feed forward system where one variable is controlled
in ratio to another to satisfy some higher level objectives. Two
difference chemicals are supplied from different tanks in
proper ratio by maintaining the flow of quantity. Then desired
mixture is obtained {&}checks the ratio of composition if any
unbalanced, controlled by controlled values of supply tanks.
Then this mixture is distributed as per requirements. In
Industries for ten machines, total cycle time with existing PLC
based system is 75 sec. But our modified PLC based system
total cycle time is improved as 45 sec. Hence total reach time of
distribution system is improved.