Lim, Jeong-Min and Jae-Hoon Jeong. "A Novel Approach of FLAOA/AHRS-Based Three-Dimensional Positioning and Heading Determination". IJECCE 9.2 (2018): 59-63.[More]
Kumar, Satyendra and Ankit Singh. "Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter Implementation on 40nm Technology". IJECCE 9.2 (2018): 54-58.[More]
Mounir, Soufyane, Karim Tahiry and Abdelmajid Farchi. "Classification of the Fricative and Occlusive Consonants According to the Place and the Mode of Articulation". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 49-53.[More]
I., Dr. Anthony Otuonye, Dr. Nwokonkwo Obi C. and Dr. Eke Felix M. "Overcoming Big Data Mining Challenges for Revolutionary Breakthroughs in Commerce and Industry". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 42-48.[More]
D, Anthony Otuonye I. Ph., Udunwa Ikenna A. and Nwokonkwo Obi C. Ph. D. "A Model Design of Big Data Processing System using Hace Theorem". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 35-41.[More]
Otuonye, Dr. Anthony I. et al. "An Analysis of Big Data Computing for Efficiency of Business Operations among Indigenous Firms". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 29-34.[More]
Lin, Qian and Haifeng Wu. "Trend Analysis of Interconnect System for Integrated Circuit". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 23-28.[More]
Chen, Chin-Ling and Wei-Cheng Chiu. "Development of An Android APP by Applying Multiple Attribute Decision Making in Parking Service". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 19-22.[More]
Bakare, B. I. and S. Kukuchuku. "Assessment of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in Nigeria". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 15-18.[More]
Murthy, M. V. H. Bhaskara and B. Prabhakara Rao. "Ants for Routing in MANET using Hybrid ACO-OLSR Algorithm". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 5-11.[More]
Cho, Soo Bum and Ki Hong Song. "A Study on Adjacent Channel Interference Analysis of TRS in the 380MHz Frequency Band". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 12-14.[More]
Ma’aitah, Mohammad Khaleel Sallam and Kamil Dimililer. "Conceal Data in Digital Image Processing by using Steganography". IJECCE 9.1 (2018): 1-4.[More]
Agus Salim, M.T. "The Effect of Temperature on the Electrical Conductor". IJECCE 8.6 (2017): 357-360.[More]
Ir. Talib Bini, M.T. "Designing Solar Tracker System under Fuzzy Logic Controller". IJECCE 8.6 (2017): 353-356.[More]
Kardiana, Aan et al. "Exploration Data of Animal Protein Fulfillment from Small Ruminant". IJECCE 8.6 (2017): 347-352.[More]
Archana, S, B K Madhavi and I V Murlikrishna. "Design of Hamming Neural Network for Real Time 0-9 Digit Recognition on HSPICE Synopsys Tool". IJECCE 8.6 (2017): 343-346.[More]
Baz, Mohammed. "Valuation of Routing Approaches for High Dense IoT". IJECCE 8.6 (2017): 336-342.[More]
Singh, Sunil and Sandeep Nemade. "A Review of 65-Nm CMOS Constant Current Source with Reduced PVT Variation". IJECCE 8.6 (2017): 329-331.[More]
N, Joshi Padma et al. "Getting Down to Brass Tacks of Prevention Mechanism of Sql Injection in Php based Web Application". IJECCE 8.6 (2017): 324-328.[More]
Sarker, Kamal Uddin and Dr. Aziz Deraman. "Design Aspects of Near Future Soft Computing". IJECCE 8.5 (2017): 318-323.[More]
Al-awad, Nasir Ahmad. "Digital Controllers Design For Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Using Model Order Reduction Methods". IJECCE 8.5 (2017): 310-317.[More]
Marwan and Ir. Hatma Rudito. "An Overview of Waste Level Monitoring System". IJECCE 8.5 (2017): 306-309.[More]
Mansour, Salman and Talal Skaik. "A Broadband Star-Shaped Slotted Microstrip Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting Applications". IJECCE 8.5 (2017): 302-305.[More]
Kumar, Mr. K. Naveen et al. "Intelligent Soldier Suit". IJECCE 8.5 (2017): 298-301.[More]